The ORB (Oosman and Rahima Bai) Foundation is a non-profit organisation that was registered in 2002 under the Pakistan Societies Act of 1860. The foundation which was initially created to provide vocational training, had been dormant for a few years after the death of the manager in charge. ORBF was reactivated in 2020 for the express purpose of tackling the food safety issue prevalent at the time.
ORBF’s principal aim is to serve Allah’s creation, to help those in need and ease their suffering by providing assistance with education, food security, health, and to alleviate their suffering with kindness and dignity.
In 2020 faced with urgent food shortage of daily-wage families created by the strict pandemic lockdowns, ORBF was revived n to address this stark and dire need. Working with the Robin Hood Army the foundation has since provided help to more than 30,000 families.
As the country emerges from the pandemic, the foundation’s focus has now shifted from quantity of help to quality of help .
With it’s newest project L-O-V-E ORBF is working with the Boon Initiatives, on developing long term uplift strategies for an initial 50 (we hope to grow this number) vulnerable families These come to us through qualified reference and we personally investigate and verify their details. It is made clear that we will only commit to support the family for a year and then reassess them. It will be essential that the family works with us and puts in their best effort to better their lives.
Under the umbrella of LOVE , the aim is get involved with and work with each family and help them achieve an independent and self sufficient ,improved standard of living.
FLOOD RELIEF – Emergency 2022
As one of the very early organisations to respond to the 2022 Monsoon floods the ORB Foundation and its offshoot Project LOVE have shifted most of active resources to focus on the emergency. We are once again working closely with the Robin Hood Army to deliver as much relief to as many as possible
The Robin Hood Army has partnered with multiple social impact businesses and NGOs to distribute emergency packs to thousands of families across the country.
All monetary donations will be made to the foundation to procure emergency packs and handed over to Robin Hood Army for distribution. Robin Hood Army doesn not take any financial donations.
The Robin Hood Army Pakistan is a volunteer-based, zero-funds organization that works to get surplus food from restaurants, weddings, cafeterias or other donors and distributes it to the less fortunate sections of society in cities across Pakistan and 30 other countries on a weekly basis.
“Robins” are largely students and young working professionals – everyone does this in their free time. The less fortunate sections of society RHA serve, include homeless families, orphanages, patients from public hospitals, and old age homes.
The Boon Initiatives are a series of mutually independent but collectively synergetic social impact projects. We bring together a network of Heroes, individuals and organisations all working towards constructive change in Pakistan. The Boon Initiatives harness and channel the desire to be, to do better. Together we are stronger, together we are significant.
The Boon Initiatives were inspired by Kumail. A. Shirazee. On April 25th 2020 at the very start of the pandemic, I lost Kumail, I lost my world. Kumail was a sage, a lion-hearted sheep in the wolf’s clothing of a barrister. Since the age of seven his mission has been what he called his “search for goodness”. He believed that the “purpose of the human condition is evolution from base to higher consciousness, through good choices from a loving heart”.
Kumail called me his “boon”. The Boon Initiatives are my attempt to build on the legacy of his beliefs, in a series of social impact projects aimed at bringing back joy and heart to the commerce of living, in a homage to the biggest heart it has been my privilege to know. in homage to my Boon. From free legal aid, to vocational training, to the creation the triple bottom line (Living wage, heritage, sustainability) e-commerce brand Aprè and businesses, to funding. The Boon formula: Help+Hope+Opportunity = Change
Let us be Boons to each other, and specially to those who need us the most, let this Pandemic that has taken so much from us, give us back joy and heart.
Email us if you want to climb aboard!